Monday, October 29, 2007

College Apps.

I filled out my first college application!! It was super boring. I had to write my personal statement and everything which was alright. I'm pretty decent at those things so I know mine rcoks.

I also got my new classes today... My pre-cal class teacher had a baby so he's going to stay home with it now for the second part of the class. Our new teacher is a BITCH!! She walks into the class all happy and shit and then turns into insta-bitch. There were a few of us talking, because she was late to class and she walks in and says "NO ONE! Should be talking while I'm talking!". I'm sitting right infront of her like glaring at the crazy ass. Then she comes up to me and asks where my book is... well my other teacher, who was awesome, didn't need the book to teach us SOOO I havn't opened it since I started this class!!! ARRRR!! I really hate when teachers teach directly out of the book. If you knew the crap, you wouldn't need to read it out of the f-ing book! She also teaches really slow and my brain process information really fast, so I can't sit there and listen to the bitch talk for an hour and a half about ONE thing... just one!!!

On a lighter note, ha.... I got my first..... drum roll please...............................................4.0!!! Wooooo!!! Straight A's motha fucka!!! I'm pretty excited. I think my gpa right now is a 3.6. I'm so excited!! Go me!!

Halloween Party Pics

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Costume Party

Last night I went to a costume party at my friend's older sister's appartment. It was sooo much fun. I dressed up as the devil, teehee, with a long blonde and red wig, red tank, corset, and tight black pencil skirt... Plus stilletos!!! It was really hot... haha. Anyways, by total suprise, my friend was Jesus. Haha. Weirdddd!!!! She had full out Jesus attire, from head to toe. There was also a few other good costumes. Her sister was a ring leader, there was Johnny Depp (this guy looks JUST like him, I fell in love haha) Scary Spice, Blackanese Pimp, cocktail waitress, french maid dress (on a male), princess laya, baby yoda, superman, some bloody guy, and a cubs player. It was lots o' fun. Wish you were there!!! Muah

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My busy weekend

I had family in from Fl this weekend and it was super duper freakin busy. How come when people come into town, all they want to do it go out and do stuff? Why can't they just sit around and relax?! I was at the museams like everyday back and forth from downtown. I mean, I had fun but it was really busy and museums aren't my first choice of entertainment haha. We also went to a haunted house which was freakin awesome. I love being scared for some reason as long as I know its fake! At my house alone, with wierd noises... not fun. At a haunted house with paid actors... thats fun! I'm thinking about going to statesville because that one sounds really good. Its supposed to be about an hour long... Thats a lot of scary!! WOO

I'll let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Lovely Demon

This weekend I've been feeling really sick. Its like the going to puke but can't feeling for the last three days. Really bad too. On top of feeling like shit, my demon sister has been relentless with her badgering of me. Its nearly impossible to deal with at this point. Anyone in my family can tell you I get the worst of her viciousness. She is one of those people who will kick you when you are down and laugh when you break.

Today for instance, I'm sick, my boyfriends being a jackass to me and she can't help herself but to curse me out in a parking lot after I took her to get job applications and picked her up from school. She had this huge, hickey looking mark on her neck and I simply asked her what it was. First off, I feel like shit so I dont have it in me to be a dick about it AT ALL. I said, in my blah tone, whats on your neck mag, it looks like a hickey or something? She from there continued to curse me out. I told her to shut the fuck up and she kept going through the parking lot, after I got out of the Gap, on the car ride home, and after I dropped her off. I was SILENT!

This really bothers me because she's supposed to be my sister and at this point I don't consider her to by my relative because people who love you would never treat you they way she treats me. And I go out of my way for her, way out of my way for her all the time, so its not like I do anything to deserve this type of treatment.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Maroon 5

I saw Maroon 5 Tuesday night with my man. It was so much fun! Adam Levine, the lead singer, is SOOOOO FUCKING hot. Amazing hot. My boyfriend even said he was hot. He's pretty damn hot!!

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Sunday I'm going to see Static-X, which is my favorite band and I cannot wait! Wayne is also very hot!!!

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