Monday, August 6, 2007

Not... hard to please?

So, my dad gets home from work tonight and is immidiately (as you all might have noticed, I cannot spell fantasticly, sorry!) bitching about everything. He's mad because we don't have the right type of spagetti noodles to eat with the chili that has too many beans and might be too spicy and the microwave isn't at the right temperature and everyones stupid because we don't need to read the instructions to put 30 seconds on the microwave!!!! Now he's throwing silverwear because we have no "real food" to eat in the house. Well, does he ever go grocery shopping? I think not. What does he ask for when my mom tells him that she's going to the store... cookies. Thats all. Of course when I offer to go out and pick him up something he's like no I'll just eat here even though he was just BICHING about there being nothing here!!!!!! And I even offered to go get the freakin noodles he wanted so he could eat here. Then we all have to hear about how he didn't eat anything all day and that he doesn't have time to wait for me to get him noodles or for me to pick something up for him. First off, its none of our faults that he didn't eat anything and secondly what the fuck does he have to do tonight that can't wait 10 minutes?!

Ahhh!! Then before he leaves to go to the bank, after all his blah blah bs he's like "Do you want to go somewhere to get something to eat?" AHHH NO!!! But of course, I'm the one that always makes everything better and sucks up my rage and goes out to eat with him. Because I'm a GOOD daughter!!!

Don't get me wrong, he can be super nice but make sure everythings his way and he gets what he wants. Bull shit not hard to please. Come on now.


Jenny! said...

He he he...that's why I moved my ass out before my 18th birthday! Suckers!!!!!!

-Papa said...

The next time he starts acting up just look at him and say, "This is why you are so going to a decrepit nursing home when you get just a little older."

Dad's can be an ass, mine still is. You have my empathy.

Sarah said...

I think you shoudl start throwing silverware too, people rarely relize how ridiculous they are until they see other people doing the same things. And if that doesn't work at least he will be busy washing dishes.

Jenny! said...

Ha ha ha...Sarah....that was a good one...washing dishes...yeah right!

Jeanette said...

Don't you swear at him? Does that really make you the GOOD daughter?