Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My "L" Ride

Unlike Jenny, I draw weird, but nice people to me on the train. This morning I went downtown to a FocusScope thing. I was on the train, minding my own buisness and this ginormous man gets on the train, sits down, looks at me and says "Beautiful day isn't it?". I replied with, "Yea, it finally cooled off." Then he asks me how I am. I said I was fine thanks. After I replied he got up and sat across the train from me. I'm thinking, great, this m f is never going to leave me alone now. He started by introducing himself and asking my name. Seemed pleasant, at least he wasn't hitting on me! We actually had a converstaion. It wasn't quite normal but it was nice to meet someone that just wanted to talk to somebody. He asked me all these off the wall questions like how to do percentages and what I wanted to do with my life. I was alittle weirded out at first but he seemed nice enough. Out of no where he goes, "You know what you remind me of, a princess." I go.... "Never got that one before, ha." Then the big man tells me how nice of a person he thinks I am and that he was glad to have met and talked to me. He said I seemed very genuine and that he thought I was going to get far in the world. How nice is that! See Jen, you don't always meet crazy, angry people!! Of course now the next time I get on the train I'll probably get molested or something! Ha


Anonymous said...

See Emily, you seem so nice to the outside world! Just kidding. I think Jenny just attracts the freaks and weirdos more than the rest of us, thank God.

Jenny! said...

He was such a pervert...just using different tactics!

EmRocks said...

lol, don't hate jen

Jeanette said...

He totally was hitting on you. He figured if he could compliment you enough you would just jump on his lap.